A Copyright analysis report is composed of several sections and tabs:
3 sections at the top of your report:
The "DOCUMENT" section
Detailed information about the analysed document (title, upload and analysis dates, number of words, document properties...)
The "COMPUTATION" section
Information about the content of the analysed document (languages detected, percentage of text identified in quotation marks, number of sources found...)
The "DOWNLOADS" section
Option of downloading the original document and/or the analysis report in PDF format as well as sending the analysis report to a third party by email.
3 tabs:
The "SUMMARY" tab
Summary of your analysis results with the main sources ("Top probable sources") and corresponding similar passages in the form of text excerpts.
The "FULL TEXT" tab
Entire textual content of the analysed document
The "SOURCES" tab
Full list of Internet sources and documentary sources similar to the analysed document, sorted by relevance