Dernière version
La dernière version du plugin vous est automatiquement proposée depuis votre plateforme Moodle, sur la page 'vue d'ensemble des plugins' (__your_moodle__/admin/plugins.php).
Vous pouvez également la télécharger depuis le site, ou depuis notre dépôt Github.
Version 2024122400 (3.2.3) (for Moodle 4.0 to 4.4)
- [Fix] Enhance code quality
Version 2024122300 (3.2.2) (for Moodle 4.0 to 4.4)
- [Fix] Fix unit tests
- [Fix] Addition of plagiarism_compilatio_cm_cfg metadata for unit tests
- [Fix] Error when resending documents in error from admin tab if a file is present multiple times
- [Fix] Old scores no longer update when switching from Magister to Magister+.
Version 2024121200 (3.2.1) (for Moodle 4.0 to 4.4)
- Fix for Moodle instances using php7
Version 2024120400 (3.2.0) (for Moodle 4.0 to 4.4)
- Added a tab in the administration section of the plugin to manage documents in error
- [Fix] Replace deprecated callback before_standard_top_of_body_html in Moodle 4.4 to new hook callback before_standard_top_of_body_html_generation
- Avoid duplicate course module settings when restoring or importing a course module
- [Fix] Reload page after update scores options for all docs
- [Fix] Prevent sending .zip files that cause bugs
Version 2024073000 (3.1.2) (for Moodle 4.0 to 4.4)
- Fix errors in send files with unique filepath
- Add Compilatio document id in a data- attribute
Version 2024061800 (3.1.1) (for Moodle 4.0 to 4.4)
- Add missing translations keys
Version 2024041200 (3.1.0) (for Moodle 4.0 to 4.4)
- Added the option to run analyses only on selected questions in quizzes
- Added a score settings tab with the possibility to ignore score elements (AI, similarities, unrecognized languages) on all documents in the activity
- Small front adjustments in Compilatio container
- Fix warning and email not displayed in Compilatio activity settings
- Fix Javascript syntax error on obsolete versions of safari
Version 2024030100 (3.0.3) (for Moodle 3.11 to 4.3)
- Fix php exception thrown in api.php
- Fix errors when plugin update to version 3 is executed twice
Version 2024022700 (3.0.2) (for Moodle 3.11 to 4.3)
- Remove mandatory validation of Compilatio terms of service
- Fix unsaveable course module settings
Version 2024022601 (3.0.1) (for Moodle 3.11 to 4.3)
- Fix error when duplicating course modules
- Fix Moodle and plugin configuration not sent to Compilatio
Version 2024022600 (3.0.0) (for Moodle 3.11 to 4.3)
- The plugin now uses a Compilatio Magister account for each Moodle teacher and a Compilatio folder for each Moodle activity
- Added the option to run analyses only on selected lines (students in assignment and attempts in quizzes)
- Quiz: possibility to display statistics by user in a new tab
- Added marketing notifications display
- Redesign display of Compilatio frame for documents
- The plugin now fully uses Compilatio v5 REST API
- Cleaning up Compilatio v4 and Soap API code management
- Rewriting, splitting and reorganizing files
Version 2024022001 (2.7.3) (for Moodle 3.4 to 4.2)
- Fix deprecation warnings for Moodle 4.3
- Fix warning in function compilatio_update_news (null value in foreach)
- Fix display of loading icon for documents being analyzed
- Fix Compilatio frame for documents not displayed in quizzes
Version 2024022000 (2.7.2) (for Moodle 3.4 to 4.2)
- Fix deprecation warnings for Moodle 4.3
- Fix warning in function compilatio_update_news (null value in foreach)
- Fix display of loading icon for documents being analyzed
- Fix Compilatio frame for documents not displayed in quizzes
Version 2023092900 (2.7.1) (for Moodle 3.4 to 4.2)
- Update Compilatio container to minimize display size and support Moove theme
- Add conversion from markdown to html in notifications
- Fix Auto-diagnosis message "Invalid API key" when plugin is disabled
- Fix error "coding problem..." displayed when starting an analysis
- Fix : no more display empty notifications
- Fix in quiz : not all texts are sent to Compilatio if their contents are identical.
- English translation corrections / Update some language strings
- Fix insert null value error in function get_account_expiration_date
- Fix warning "get_record return more than one record" in function get_non_uploaded_documents
- Fix warning caused by deprecated setting compilatio_use not removed
Version 2023071800 (2.7.0) (for Moodle 3.4 to 4.2)
Fix quiz attempt throw error in version < 3.5 (may also affect other versions < 3.11)
Update Compilatio service status link (in Compilatio container)
Display error message returned by API on failed document upload to Compilatio
Fix send files error when using groups in assignments with postgresql
Compilatio container can now be minimized
Update document's depositor on old documents
Handling read-only API key errors
Add global score and detailed scores for Magister+ API keys
Version 2023060600 (2.6.15) (for Moodle 3.3 to 4.2)
Fix plugin behaviour when refreshing documents informations for v4 documents
Improve upgrade plugin process
Delete language files others than EN
Update Compilatio service status link
Version 2023041400 (2.6.14) (for Moodle 3.3 to 4.1)
Add ability to reset text content in error
Add author and depositor (submitter) information when sending documents
Update privacy registry
Fix send task failed with an empty filename record
Fix deleted files always stay in pending state
Version 2022113000 (2.6.13) (for Moodle 3.3 to 4.1)
Fix proxy/SSL settings for report access
Version 2022112800 (2.6.12) (for Moodle 3.3 to 4.1)
Fix proxy/SSL settings
Fix migration task for documents loaded with v5 key
Fix activities name not displayed in admin global statistics
Version 2022111600 (2.6.11) (for Moodle 3.3 to 4.0)
Fix access to reports
Version 2022102800 (2.6.10) (for Moodle 3.3 to 4.0)
Fix sending document task
Version 2022102700 (2.6.9) (for Moodle 3.3 to 4.0)
Fix error in Moodle 4.0
Fix [Reset documents in error] button behavior
Version 2022102100 (2.6.8) (for Moodle 3.3 to 4.0)
Improvement of the process of updating documents from v4 to v5
Management of documents in the process of extraction and in extraction error
Add global setting to keep files in reference library when deleting a course, resetting a course or deleting an activity
Update v5 report access via a secure URL
Version 2022092800 (2.6.7) (for Moodle 3.3 to 4.0)
Processing the document update from v4 to v5 by a scheduled task with saving of the progress
Version 2022092100 (2.6.6) (for Moodle 3.3 to 4.0)
Add admin setting to ignore SSL certificate verification for API calls to Compilatio
Replace restart failed analyses feature to reset all types of document in error
Update default API URL in admin settings
Fix documents deletion in assigns when the submission is in draft status
Fix subscription end date which is not displayed or not up to date (with v5)
Improve files sending process
Version 2022091600 (2.6.5) (for Moodle 3.3 to 4.0)
- Fix migration DB update
Version 2022091200 (2.6.4) (for Moodle 3.3 to 4.0)
- Update proxy handling
Version 2022082600 (2.6.3) (for Moodle 3.3 to 4.0)
- Fix writing of file when sending to Compilatio for Windows servers
- Management of proxies for CURL requests
Version 2022080900 (2.6.3) (for Moodle 3.3 to 4.0)
- Add progress bar when updating documents (v4 to v5 migration)
- Add index on field externalid to fix documents updating (v4 to v5 migration) that take a long time
Version 2022072500 (2.6.3) (for Moodle 3.3 to 4.0)
- v5) The plugin now fully supports the upload of documents up to 100MB.
Version 2022071200 (2.6.2) (for Moodle 3.3 to 4.0)
- Fix Migration tool for migrations with a lot of documents.
- (v5) Fix documents blocked in queue state because they are too short to be analyzed.
- Fix : Documents of users who have been unregistered from a course could be processed by the plugin.
- Fix : Handle error in plugin settings if a v5 API key is entered with a v4 API url.
Version 2022051600 (2.6.2) (for Moodle 3.3 to 4.0)
- Direct analysis has been re-added and can be enabled in the plugin settings.
- (v5) The "Refresh the informations" now updates the similarity score in Moodle if the report has been updated in Magister
Version 2022042500 (2.6.1) (for Moodle 3.3 to 3.11)
- Fix Migration tool for migrations with a lot of documents.
- (v5) Fix documents blocked in queue state because they are too short to be analyzed.
Version 2022033000 (2.6.1) (for Moodle 3.3 to 3.11)
- Add tool in admin tab for migration from Compilatio v4 to v5.
- Add Compilatio v5 alerts (technical news).
Version 2022012500 (2.6.0) (for Moodle 3.3 to 3.11)
- Fix use of inconsistent module id
Version 2021120800 (2.6.0) (for Moodle 3.3 to 3.11)
- Fix documents blocked in pending state in quizzes.
Version 2021112400 (2.6.0) (for Moodle 3.3 to 3.11)
- Fix documents blocked in pending state in quizzes.
Version 2021081800 (2.6.0) (for Moodle 3.3 to 3.11)
- Add error handling for documents with too many words.
- Fix calls to unset "nb_mots_min" setting.
- User's name is no longer displayed in error messages for anonymous assignments.
Version 2021062300 (2.6.0) (for Moodle 3.3 to 3.11)
- Add support for essay question in quiz (Moodle 3.11)
- Fix SQL Query to search document author for PostgresSQL
- Fix SQL Query to export global statistics to CSV for PostgresSQL
- Fix function to get not uploaded documents in order to analyse all documents in assign retroactively
- Fix document not automatically indexed in reference library
Version 2021051900 (2.5.10) (for Moodle 3.3 to 3.11)
- Replacement of the deprecated function update_status
- Added Compilatio frame to forums and workshops
- Added the possibility to analyse all documents in assign retroactively
- Update plugin to be compatible with Moodle 3.11
Version 2021042700 (2.5.9) (for Moodle 3.3 to 3.10)
- Fix SQL query in admin stats for PostgresSQL
Version 2021042200 (2.5.9) (for Moodle 3.3 to 3.10)
- Fix SQL query on moodle table "files" with no indexes
Version 2021031200 (2.5.9) (for Moodle 3.3 to 3.10)
- Add the estimated waiting time for an analysis to start
Version 2021021800 (2.5.9) (for Moodle 3.3 to 3.10)
- Updating the minimum size for a document to be analyzed
- Make API calls in course modules asynchronous
- The alert message "Your account expires soon" is now only visible to the administrator
Versions 2021020501, 2021020500 (2.5.8) (for Moodle 3.3 to 3.10)
- Fix for Moodle 3.3
Version 2021020300 (2.5.8) (for Moodle 3.3 to 3.10)
- Bug fix in upgrade script
Version 2021012500 (2.5.8) (for Moodle 3.3 to 3.10)
- Removed the option to automatically launch analyses
- Added the possibility to search the author of a document
Version 2021011100 (2.5.7) (for Moodle 3.3 to 3.10)
- Update failed analyses management
- Update global statistics (admin) table
- Update Help Center connection
- Optimisation of the sending of files to Compilatio by the scheduled task
- Optimisation of the waiting time between calls to the API
- Added the possibility to use multiple API keys
Version 2020112500 (2.5.6) (for Moodle 3.3 to 3.10)
- Changing the behavior of the Help (?) button in assigns
- Correct the display of the error message indicating that the Compilatio service is currently unavailable
- Align the Compilatio frame to the left
- Adding a warning for failed analysis
- Correction of the "Analyse" button which only worked on the first page of an assign
- Display an error message in the Compilatio frame when changing the API key and documents are not found for the new API key
Version 2020111200 (2.5.5) (for Moodle 3.3 to 3.10)
- Improvement of multiple submissions (online text and files), regardless to activity settings
- Update message for students
- Add compilatio_use setting when installing plugin
- Add default activity configuration when saving the plugin settings for the first time
- Improvement of document deletion management, document management with Moodle recycle bin
Version 2020100102 (2.5.4) (for Moodle 3.3 to 3.9)
- Update plugin's settings handle
Version 2020092500 (2.5.4) (for Moodle 3.3 to 3.9)
- Improve plugin compatibility :
- Replace the setting plagiarism:compilatio_use by plagiarism_compilatio:enabled
- Replace deprecated functions save_form_elements() by plagiarism_compilatio_coursemodule_edit_post_actions()
and get_form_elements_module() by plagiarism_compilatio_coursemodule_standard_elements() - Fix bugs in plugin statistics
Version 2020070100 (2.5.3) (for Moodle 3.3 to 3.8)
- Enhance plugin global compatibility
- Replace use of deprecated functions
- Use more Moodle API or Moodle internal functions
- Rewrite JS and CSS
- Fix upgrade plugin file by adding a savepoint
- Add filename in document's title sent to Compilatio
- Enhance file types check behavior
Version 2019091700 (2.5.2) (for Moodle 3.3 to 3.8)
- Fixed plugin visibility depending on user rights
- Improvement of the plugin visibility according to the activation parameters (platform, module type, course module)
- Added GDPR compliance (from Moodle 3.5)
- Reduced API calls to get available file types
- Added document's warning support like "unrecognized text language"
Version 2019030500 (2.5.1) (for Moodle 3.3 to 3.7)
- Improve documents management to avoid duplicates in Compilatio database
=> In assigns, "Maximum number of uploaded files" MUST be set to 1 to allow duplicates management - Teachers can directly index/de-index documents by clicking on the document database icon
- Document database icon is no more visible for students
- Behavior fixed in forums: each post is analysed when Compilatio is enabled in forum activity
Versions 2018120301, 2018120300 (2.5.0) (for Moodle 3.3 to 3.6)
- Help sections in assignments and in plugin administration are linked to Compilatio helpcenter at
- Loading time is reduced in assignments
- A progress bar is displayed when clicking on the 'Refresh the informations' button in assignments
Version 2017080200 (2.4.6) (for Moodle 3.3 to 3.5)
- Indexing document support from Moodle (Add documents into the Document Database) :
- Global indexing : From "Site Administration > Plugins > Plagiarism > Compilatio plagiarism plugin > Compilatio defaults", you can now manage the indexing state of all documents sent by Moodle to Compilatio
- Specific indexing : Directly in the activity's settings, you can now manage the indexing state of all documents within the specific activity
- When you change the indexing state, only documents uploaded after the change, will be concerned
- Failover support :
- If an analysis fails, you can restart it. A restart button is available on the submissions page if an analysis failed. Comment : restart analysis attempts aren't unlimited
- Additional information :
- The maximum authorized size is now shown in the activity's settings
- Documents extensions are now shown in the activity's settings
- The plugin is now available for workshops !
- The plugin's code has been updated to avoid display errors in the platform pages
- We fixed general and display bugs