What is a similarity score?
Once the analysis is complete, you will see the similarity score.
This percentage represents the rate of similarity between the text of the document and one or more external sources, including citations that may already be referenced in the document.
The user ignores correctly referenced sources. The similarity rate then becomes a plagiarism rate.
Depending on the result obtained, this gauge is displayed with the following default colour code:
Green: between 0 and 10% of detected similarities, it's normal to have more than 0%.
Orange: between 10 and 25% of detected similarities, depending on the nature of the assignment, this may be acceptable.
Red: more than 25% of detected similarities, be careful, it can be high.
How can I tell the difference between authorized similarities and plagiarism?
1- If the school rules do not specify the amount of acceptable similarities, each teacher can decide the percentage of similarities tolerated for each assignment.
2- Sometimes it's a good idea to share similarities with other sources. In fact, a well-referenced quotation is an acceptable similarity.
3- The document must avoid any form of plagiarism, clearly distinguishing the student's own work from that borrowed from other sources.
The acceptable similarity threshold is defined by the institution according to the assignment being assessed, the subject being taught or the integrity policy in place.
➡️ More about Compilatio Similarity Detector : https://www.compilatio.net/en/similarities-detection-info
As part of using Compilatio Magister Magister+, Copyright and Copyright+, these thresholds can be changed in your folders' settings.