Definition of plagiarism
Plagiarism is when you present the work of another person as your own.
Failure to cite your sources, whether they come from the Internet, paper documents or any other origin, is considered an act of plagiarism. In documentary research and writing, taking an author's ideas is not prohibited, as long as you do not conceal from the reader the origin of an idea, statement or work.
Plagiarism is an act of infringement, a crime that can be punished by law.
> Find the full definition in the article "What is plagiarism? Definition and understanding" or on the page "What exactly is plagiarism?".
Examples of plagiarism
Paraphrasing or rewording without citing an author
Self-plagiarism or recycling old work
Uncited images and graphics
Translation without citing an author
Double quotation with a single citation
Uncited anonymous authors
The special case of common knowledge
Slideshow or visual presentation without citing sources
Citation standards not followed
Risks and punishments
Plagiarism is an act of falsification, an offence that can be punished by law: "What are the risks and punishments associated with plagiarism?".